If everybody gives a little, we achieve a lot.
Many of us now start the day with at least one coffee drunk on the hoof on the way into work. Some of us even need several coffees a day to keep going! These coffees usually cost £2.50.
You are one of 7,000 very special people who support Saving Faces. You have probably raised money or donated to us in the past. We are now asking you to convert the cost of one cup of coffee or tea a week into an annual standing order to Saving Faces of £130 (£2.50 x 52); a few of you might feel so generous that you’ll forgo one coffee for more than one day (£5 up to £12.50 a week). This regular income will ensure that even in these difficult times we can complete our current research projects that will all change lives for the better; and have the confidence to start the many new exciting projects proposed by UK surgeons.
We know that some of you are hard-pressed for money, or donate generously to other worthy causes so may not be able to take up this challenge. But please try so we can continue our valuable work, which has now been running for over 19 years. Our current outgoings are £700,000 per year to fund our researchers and house our organisation. If everybody gives a little, we achieve a lot.
To get involved in the Saving Faces 400k Coffee Challenge, please download our standing order mandate form stand below.
Standing Order Form
Single Donation Form