Past Projects
Smoking Prevention Study
Saving Faces’ promotion work in schools continues. The results of the 2004 survey, investigating the effectiveness of national curriculum tobacco education, have been published by the highly rated journal Health Education Research.
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In 2004 Saving Faces carried out a survey to see just how effective the national curriculum for tobacco education is and how it might be improved on. Once teenagers begin to smoke, they can quickly become addicted to nicotine and this, together with the social and psychological factors associated with smoking,
Read More“Binge-drinking” Prevention Study
Adolescents in the UK have one of the highest European levels of alcohol use, binge-drinking and getting drunk. Around 125,000 young people a year attend A&E with severe facial injuries, often associated with alcohol-related falls and assaults. Saving Faces has been working with the Department of Health to inform young
Read MoreMicrocytoscopy using Contact Video Microscopy
The Cyscope is a new technology that may well enable early detection of cancer cells without the need for a biopsy. We are currently developing automated diagnostic tools requiring limited specialist intervention, primarily for the detection of oral cancers, using a well-defined subset of cell features, employing pattern recognition and
Read MorePhD study on the Psychological Factors in Head and Neck and Gastrointestinal Cancer
Saving Faces is supporting a PhD study that aims to investigate different psychological and physiological measures that might predict which patients will develop depression after a diagnosis of cancer. The study will investigate factors that can be used to predict those patients who will develop depression so as to proactively
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