Saving Faces relies upon the help of a wide variety of supporters in order to continue its work. Without their help and dedication, we would not be able to carry out our life-changing research projects. There are a number of ways in which you can support the work of Saving Faces, and fundraising can be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable.
One of our most valuable groups of fundraisers are students, who nationwide are raising money in all kinds of unique and inspiring ways. Fundraising can be not only a truly rewarding and satisfying experience in itself, but also looks great on your CV, and can be tailored to any individual or team’s strengths and interests.
Our Fundraisers
We would not be here were it not for all the amazing Saving Faces supporters who have run, jumped, swam, cycled, rowed (and rode), sung, danced, entertained and baked to raise funds for us. Looking for further inspiration? Here are just a handful of those who had or are still fundraising for Saving Faces enabling us to continue our life-saving research.