Names not Numbers – Spring Session

Saving Faces own, Prof Iain Hutchison was one of the distinguished speakers at this year’s Names Not Numbers Spring Conference.

The event, which is run by Editorial Intelligence, brings together speakers and participants from all walks of life; scientists, politicians, entrepreneurs, economists, artists, journalists, writers and more for a weekend of idea-sharing and thought provoking discussion. 

“Take an eclectic group of 200 interesting and interested people hand-picked from the worlds of business, culture, academia, policy, technology and media – approximate to the number of countries in the world. Put them together for 100 hours of curated conversation and connection and you have an intelligent knowledge network of new friends, colleagues, and a way of seeing and understanding the world. This is what Names Not Numbers is about”

 – Julia Hobspawn, Founder of Names Not Numbers and Saving Faces patron

 Prof Hutchison spoke on “The functional and psychological importance of the face and the impact of change”.

We are all aware of how facial appearance plays an important role in determining our emotional, financial and social success,” he says, “but may not have given much thought about its functional role. Yet the face is probably the most complex anatomical “organ” in the body reflecting its essential role in delivering nutrition and energy to the brain. It is also the site of the “early warning system” of the special senses protecting us from danger. This lunch meeting discussed all the functions of the face, how its anatomy is designed to deliver these and the impact of changes to the face on our physical and sociological ability.