3D printouts used to rebuild bike crash victim’s face – BBC Website, 7 January 2017

Professor Iain Hutchison spoke to the BBC about the use of 3D printed models to help plan reconstructive surgery.

George Boden, Patient

George Boden, who underwent surgery after a devastating cycling accident, also spoke about his experiences and how he has benefited from this technology.

Mr Boden said: “I was out for a training spin, looked at my watch and the next minute I’d slammed into a piece of machinery around the corner.

“It’s not a good idea to hit something with your chin at 30mph [48kmph], which is exactly what I did. It ripped the whole of my jaw off.”

Professor Iain Hutchison rebuilt My Boden’s face with the help of a 3D printout model.

View the full BBC story here (includes video).

Professor Iain Hutchison