Celebrity Quitters – Channel 5, 28 January 2010

Saving Faces was featured in episode 9 of Celebrity Quitters, the Channel Five series in which five celebrities vow to quit smoking. In this particular episode, broadcast on 28th February 2010, the youngest celebrity visits Iain Hutchison in the Saving Faces offices where she sees graphic images of oral cancers and meets a 28 year old woman who has had surgery for mouth cancer.

Chloe Madely visits Prof Hutchison to see first-hand the effect smoking can have. Still from Celebrity Quitters.
Chloe Madely visits Prof Hutchison to see first-hand the effect smoking can have. Still from Celebrity Quitters.

Chloe admitted that she was ‘absolutely terrified’ when during the filming she met Alana Rymer, a 25-year-old who was diagnosed with mouth cancer at the age of 22. ‘She started smoking at the same age as me. I spoke to her specialist, Professor Iain Hutchison, an oral facial surgeon at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. She is now in remission but she is so young and it is horrifying to think that if she hadn’t smoked, the chances are she would not have been ill.

‘Prof Hutchison told me that one in two smokers will suffer a smokingrelated disease, which means that out of 15 of my close friends who smoke, at least seven of them are potentially going to have related health issues,’ says Chloe.

Watch a clip from episode 9, featuring Chloe’s meeting with Professor Hutchison.

Read an interview with Chloe in the Daily Mail.