NFORC/BAOMS Collaborative Research Summit 2019 for medical students and trainees was a success

The hugely successful 2019 NFORC/BAOMS Collaborative Research Summit aimed at medical/dental students and trainees took place on 19th June 2019 at the Rotblat Lecture Theatre, London.

We would like to firstly thank everyone who took the time to submit their abstracts to be reviewed for presentation. We received a large number of applications however, after a rigorous selection process, only eight abstracts were selected.

Professors Iain Hutchison, Zbys Fedorowicz and Arthur Tucker opened the research summit with informative talks on research methodology, systematic reviews and ethics. This was followed by presentations given by two of our very own clinical researchers, Ping San and Imon Pal, who updated the audience about Saving Faces and NFORC’s ongoing and future projects.

The event ended with presentations by the eight shortlisted applicants who each presented their research ideas. Each presenter had 10 minutes to present their research proposal followed by a Q&A. Each presenter received feedback from the research panel and advise on their proposals and advise on how they could move their research projects forward.

We are thankful to all the speakers, the research team, the student organisers and the rest of the attendees for making it a very engaging research summit which was filled with interesting presentations.


Thank you Saving Faces for an engaging and inspiring research summit! Events like these always renew my motivation and remind me of the amazing speciality that OMFS is. Excited to collaborate and get more involved in research. – Stephanie Yeung, Dental Student