The following policy is intended as a procedure for the disclosure and management of any potential conflict of interest.
- Annual declarations of interest shall be reviewed by the secretariat
- Potential conflicts of interest highlighted by declarations of interest, including consultancies and appointments, may normally be resolved by the individual concerned not participating in the relevant decision and being restricted in access to information.
- Other conflicts of interests will inevitably arise with individual agenda items. One example might be where an application is received by a Committee that is similar to one prepared or in preparation by a member. In all such cases, the conflict must be declared to the secretariat as soon as it becomes evident.
- In rare circumstances, declarations of interest may highlight major conflicts of interest that may not be compatible with membership of a group or committee with responsibility for making funding decisions. In such cases, the conflict will initially be discussed with the member by the secretariat, in consultation with the chair of the Committee or group. The Chair and the Secretariat shall determine whether the declared interest is compatible with continued membership of the Committee or group. Where agreement is not possible, or where a member disputes the decision of the Chair and the Secretariat, the matter shall be referred to the CEO of Saving Faces The decision of the CEO shall be final.
Automatic exclusion from participation in funding decisions
Individuals must absent themselves from the relevant part of any meeting where matters concerning a grant proposal with which they are connected are discussed. They may not take part in any decisions taken in relation to such a grant proposal, and under certain circumstances may not receive any papers relating to it. An individual will normally be deemed to be connected with a grant proposal if the individual is either:
the sole applicant;a joint applicant in collaboration with others or is a named collaborator;
a recent collaborator, i.e. it has been less than five years since last publication;
a relative of one of the grant applicants (“relative” for this purpose includes, but is not limited to, spouse or partner (current or past), children, siblings and parents);
a business partner of one of the grant applicants; or
a member or employee of the same university, or other institution, as one of the grant applicants. The University of London, for these purposes, is not regarded as a single institution;
was formerly a member or employee of the same institution (as defined in point (vi)) within the last three years.
For all other potential conflicts of interest, the advice of the Charity Commission will be sought and the advice will be recorded in the minutes. All steps taken to follow the advice will be recorded.