UCL Saving Faces Student Society

UCL Saving Faces Society is the only student society at UCL that is involved in raising awareness of facial injuries and conditions affecting the face and mouth.

Students are actively involved in promoting altruism in this demographic of patients. The society not only focuses on medical issues of facial deformities, but also  explores various themes including social and psychological issues. Terrence (President of the society) started the UCL Saving Faces Society because he realised that although facial injuries and deformities are pervasive problems, there is minimal awareness of the issues in the public light.

The student society’s three main pillars are: Education, Volunteering and Fundraising.

  1. Education – Lecture series and art events will be organised for students of different backgrounds to raise awareness about Saving Faces’ mission and the research projects that the charity is involved in. Students will be able to meet with patients, surgeons, psychologists and more experts.
  2. Volunteering – Students will be given various opportunities to get involved in contributing to Saving Faces’ efforts including giving lectures at secondary schools to raise awareness of risk behaviours (e.g. excessive alcohol and drug intake) and the dangers associated with them.
  3. Fundraising – The society are supporting Saving Faces in its effort to raise funds for a professorship position at the charity that commemorates the late Alan Rickman, who was a patron of the charity.

Check back on the Student Events page soon for further information on the following upcoming events currently being planned:

  1. Art exhibition and official launch of UCL Saving Faces society
    Read more about the success of the launch event here.
  2. Academic and fundraising conference
  3. Educational lecture series

Contact information

President: Ying Tan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uclsavingfaces/
UCL student page: http://studentsunionucl.org/clubs-societies/saving-faces-society