SF Lecture Series 2013 – Psychological Impact of Craniofacial Deformity in Children

This lecture series was organised by the Barts and the London Saving Faces Society in collaboration with Saving Faces. Each lecture features a talk by an Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon, a talk from a professional in a related speciality.

Saving Faces is working to educate medical and dental students about oral and maxillofacial surgery and the research being carried out in this field. We are helping to train the doctors and dentists of the future for the benefit of all sufferers of oral and facial disfigurement, injury and disease.

Speaker 1: Jonathan Collier, ‎Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust

Speaker 2: Annmarie Rankin, Clinical Psychologist, Child & Adolescent Psychology Service, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust